Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Feeling Anxious? Avoid These Foods

Feeling Anxious? Avoid These Foods    

If suffering from anxiety, there are foods you must void. Caffeine is a mood-booster and will power up your morning, but beware, because it also increases the stress hormones, reduces the calming effects of neurotransmitters, and reduces blood flow to the brain, among others. Other foods are soy or tofu, which has ingredients that can put the hormones out of balance, and fructose heavy juices, which increases sugar, resulting in a boost in adrenaline production. More details click here.


Anxiety Will Distress Your Relationship – How To Avoid It?

Anxiety Will Distress Your Relationship – How To Avoid It?    

Anxiety can ruin your relationship. If suffering from social anxiety, it will be difficult to take part with your partner on a date or traveling or can feel uncomfortable if agreeing to go. Also, it might result in jealousy or paranoia. Additionally, there can be an excessive worry, arguments, and poor communication, among others. Additional details click here.


Fear Of Flying Can Worsen With Airplane Turbulence

Fear Of Flying Can Worsen With Airplane Turbulence    

These Tips Can Help You Control Anxiety    

Fear of flying takes many forms. From the airport lines and checkups to staying a long time in a cramped space. Turbulence is one of the worst forms. For most passengers, it is a mild annoyance, but for people with a fear of flying it can lead to a panic attack. According to experts, one way to overcome it is focusing on something else, such as writing your name several times. Another adverse effect is hyperventilation, which can increase anxiety. It can be prevented by breathing through a drinking straw. Click here for more information.


Staying In Control Once An Anxiety Attack Has Begun

Staying In Control Once An Anxiety Attack Has Begun    

An anxiety attack is triggered by situations in which the mind believes it will result in the worst possible outcome. Once the attack has begun, there are ways to control it. For example, distract yourself in something else like counting or reading out loud will focus the brain elsewhere. Deep breathing also works. Check all the list. More details click here.


Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs

Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs    

Anxiety is sometimes combined with irrational thoughts. The problem is that the sufferer is unable to distinguish these thoughts from the rational ones. Some of them are based on catastrophes and the worst possible consequences. Others are based on wrong beliefs, such as the feeling of being worthless. Check how to detect these thoughts. More Information click here.


Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs

Anxiety Usually Based On Wrong And Irrational Beliefs    

Anxiety is sometimes combined with irrational thoughts. The problem is that the sufferer is unable to distinguish these thoughts from the rational ones. Some of them are based on catastrophes and the worst possible consequences. Others are based on wrong beliefs, such as the feeling of being worthless. Check how to detect these thoughts. More Information click here.


Solving A Daily Crossword Will Lead To Better Reasoning, Memory And Attention

Solving A Daily Crossword Will Lead To Better Reasoning, Memory And Attention    

Brain Function Improves In Relation To The Frequency Of Puzzle Usage    

A study evaluated the cognitive function of healthy over 50. They found out that people who engaged with word puzzles, such as crosswords, had better results on tasks related to attention, reasoning, and memory. They also established that their brain function is ten years younger than they counterparts, in tests of grammatical speed and short-term memory accuracy. Also, brain improvement was directly related to the frequency of puzzle use. Click here for more info.


Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses

Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses    

There is a new way to handle anxiety, not with drugs or yoga, but with special sunglasses. These glasses are designed to optimize the brain’s inter-hemispheric communication. This allows experiencing the world more accurately and being able to respond more appropriately. Trauma and stress disrupt the internal communication in the brain, not allowing the brain to gather the correct information. Additional details click here.


Your Child May Be Suffering From Anxiety – Watch For These Symptoms

Your Child May Be Suffering From Anxiety – Watch For These Symptoms    

Anxiety is not only a condition that presents in adults. It can also show up in children. However, parents might not always be aware of the symptoms the child is showing, and one of the reasons is that kids do not tell them about their worries. Some of the signs are physical symptoms, such as constipation, refusal to go to school, angry mood and avoiding participation in activities, among others. Additional info click here.


Getting Rid Of Creative Anxiety

Getting Rid Of Creative Anxiety    

You have seen cases of writers that cannot find what to write about. This is called Writer’s Block, and also applies to all who have to write a report, news, research. One reason can be what some call creative anxiety, which is the fear to express what one is thinking. How can this be dealt with? Additional details click here.


Extreme Dependency On Phone Is A Cause For Anxiety

Extreme Dependency On Phone Is A Cause For Anxiety    

Cellphones are part of our lives. They keep us connected, and also in touch with news and social media. However, there are people who have an absolute dependency on their phones and will have anxiety and panic if they are left without them or with dead batteries. This condition is real and it’s called nomophobia. More here More info click here.


High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety

High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety    

They Hide The Side Effects Of Anxiety So No One Notices Them    

Some people are perfectionists, oriented to details and obsessive, and they are proud of it or joke about it. They have what is called high-functioning anxiety, which means that the person is very successful, but is suffering internally because of the side effects of anxiety, but they hide it very well, so nobody notices. They are high achievers and oriented to details, but re always thinking the “What if?”, always thinking about anxieties and worries. They have habits such as doing lists, procrastinating, getting early for an appointment, among others. Check all the habits. Additional information click here.


Stressed At Work? Check These Stress Relievers

Stressed At Work? Check These Stress Relievers    

Stress is present at work. There are deadlines to meet and tests to deliver. Constant stress will be very bad for the workforce. To relieve the stress we can: take a short walk, get a drink of water, do something creative, and stretch. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Study: Men With Anxiety Are More Exposed To Cancer

Study: Men With Anxiety Are More Exposed To Cancer    

A study has found out that men with anxiety have twice possibilities of dying from cancer, compared to those who have no anxiety. The study even considered all the causes that promote cancer, such as alcohol, smoking, and chronic diseases. It also found that women with severe anxiety were not related to a greater risk of cancer. Additional information click here.


Preparing For Bedtime Will Help You Sleep Better And Have An Organized Day

Preparing For Bedtime Will Help You Sleep Better And Have An Organized Day    

Bedtime is when the body sleeps and regenerate for the next day. However, sometimes worries do not allow us to have a good night’s sleep and we wake up tired and exhausted. So what about making some preparations for the next day, which will allow us a deep rest and also stay organized the next day? Click here for more details.


Detoxify Yourself From Heavy Metals (Not The Music)

Detoxify Yourself From Heavy Metals (Not The Music)    

Chronic health problems, such as migraine, fatigue, inflammation, joint pain, anxiety, and poor memory, is often attributed to modern life. One of the reasons might be heavy metals. We are not talking about the music, but the actual metals – mercury, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, among others. These represent one of the greatest threats to our wellbeing and our bodies. Click here for more information.


Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions

Thyroid Symptoms Can Be Caused By Other Health Conditions    

They Can Be Confused With Hair Loss, Constipation, Anxiety, And Sleep Apnea    

The symptoms of thyroid malfunction can be caused by many other health conditions. Also, in the case of young people, doctors usually don’t screen patients for thyroid conditions. Knowing the symptoms will give the patient an idea of the possible cause, and talk it with the specialist. The most common is hair loss, due to the fact that the thyroid controls hair growth, and also can lead to hair thinning. Constipation is another symptom because hypothyroidism can lower the speed of bowel movements, and also may cause memory loss. Other symptoms are anxiety and depression, depending on if the thyroid is underactive or overactive. Hypothyroidism can also cause extreme fatigue, which is also a symptom of anemia and sleep apnea. Check all the symptoms of thyroid malfunction. More details click here.


Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam

Controlling Anxiety In A Traffic Jam    

A traffic jam is one of the greatest causes of frustration and anxiety. The body activates a with a “fight or flight” response. How to deal with it? One way is keeping in mind that, even if it’s inconvenient, being late is not a dreadful thing. Also, check your physical response, including tense muscles and fast breathing. Additional information click here.


Chronic Stress Affects You Mind And Also Your Body

Chronic Stress Affects You Mind And Also Your Body    

Stress does not only affect your mind, but it can also affect your body in many ways. One of them is stress-induced chest pain, which can be confused for a heart attack. Other ways are an irregular period, a reduction in brain size, diabetes, weight management, and diarrhea and hair loss, among others. More info click here.


Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Learning To Deal With It

Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Learning To Deal With It    

Dentists Are Committed To Keeping The Patient As Comfortable As Possible    

Fear and anxiety to the dentist’s office are not uncommon. In some cases, pain, gum disease or tooth loss forces the patient to the visit. The dentists are doing everything to provide a serene atmosphere and caring staff and do everything to keep the patient comfortable. According to a research, there are patients that are genetically predisposed to fear of dentistry. The reason might be an irrational distrust for the dentist. On the other side, patients are aware that if they do not trust the dentist and go through the required procedure, the pain will increase, the gum will continue pleading and the oral discomfort will continue. More details click here.


Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes

Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes    

A study has found a relationship between anxiety and stress, and diabetes. Anxiety promotes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins that contain a substance that is associated with a higher risk of diabetes and high blood glucose. More Information click here.


Anxiety And Depression Have Also Positive Aspects

Anxiety And Depression Have Also Positive Aspects    

Even though anxiety and depression tend to affect negatively the wellbeing, there are some encouraging points about it. People with this condition tend to be deep thinkers, think outside the box and have more creativity. In the times of Lincoln, it was normal that brilliant and creative people, like him, has also melancholy (depression). Unfortunately, now there is little tolerance for it. More Information click here.


Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses

Anxiety Can Be Controlled In A Different Way, With These Special Sunglasses    

There is a new way to handle anxiety, not with drugs or yoga, but with special sunglasses. These glasses are designed to optimize the brain’s inter-hemispheric communication. This allows experiencing the world more accurately and being able to respond more appropriately. Trauma and stress disrupt the internal communication in the brain, not allowing the brain to gather the correct information. Additional details click here.


Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Stress And Depression Can Be The Cause Of A Poor Digestion Or Bloating    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Help Reducing Anxiety

These Foods Will Help Reducing Anxiety    

There are foods that can help ease anxiety. Some of them are almonds, which have vitamin E and B12, zinc and magnesium, which increases the immune system. Others are sources of vitamin C, such as oranges, tomatoes, and broccoli – this is because people with anxiety have low levels of vitamins A, C and E. Check all the foods. Additional info click here.


Bacteria In The Digestive Tract Linked To Mood Behavior And Low Anxiety

Bacteria In The Digestive Tract Linked To Mood Behavior And Low Anxiety    

A recent study related certain bacteria in the digestive tract to the reduction of anxiety. And stress-related gastrointestinal discomfort. A healthy digestive tract includes bacteria that aids with digestion. If this is disrupted by factors, such as the use of antibiotics, it will also affect the mood and behavior, leading to anxiety. More info click here.


Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis

Avoiding Anxiety As A Result From Arthritis    

Arthritis is a condition in which affects joints and limits mobility. These issues can also cause mental distress, in the form of stress and anxiety. The arthritis symptoms cause frustration, but there are tips to overcome this, like staying active, checking and treating the pain, and have the right diet to fight inflammation. More details click here.


Follow This Advice To Get Rid Of Social Anxiety

Follow This Advice To Get Rid Of Social Anxiety    

Controlling The Inner Critic And Avoiding Some Social Safety Behaviors    

Social anxiety is not just too much shyness. People with social anxiety don’t like to be around other people and are afraid of the judgment, rejection, and mockery they will get if they commit a mistake. It is like extreme self-consciousness. However, there are ways to overcome this. One of them is challenging the inner critic, and evaluating what would happen if you participate in a conversation or express an opinion. Other is getting rid of the safety behaviors that get you off the radar, such as looking at the phone, getting out of the room or wearing sunglasses all the time. Check all the ways to fight social anxiety. Additional information click here.


Identifying The Brain Cells Responsible For Anxiety

Identifying The Brain Cells Responsible For Anxiety    

Anxiety affects a large percentage of people. A study has identified the neurons that trigger anxiety. This could provide a more effective treatment for working with drugs that are oriented to these neurons and not the whole brain. More Information click here.


High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian    

It Also Improves Sleep Quality And Helps With Panic Attacks And Excess Stress    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. However, there are also natural treatments that have proven to lower blood pressure. One of them is valerian, which has been used since medieval times to improve sleep quality, calm anxiety and reduce muscle tension. It combats the effects of stress by blocking certain enzymes in the brain, it increases the level of a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lowering the excess stimulation caused by overthinking in the presence of anxiety. It also lowers the blood pressure caused by excess stress and decreases sleep disturbance, panic attacks, and stress and anxiety. Click here for more details.


Hallucinogens Can Help Treating Addictions, Anxiety, And OCD

Hallucinogens Can Help Treating Addictions, Anxiety, And OCD    

Recent studies on LSD are showing that hallucinogens can treat addiction, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is because LSD causes people to lose their sense of self-identity, detaching themselves from fear of death, addiction, and anxiety over temporary life events. More details click here.


Sometimes Natural Treatments For Anxiety Are Not The Answer

Sometimes Natural Treatments For Anxiety Are Not The Answer    

Sometimes self-medication is not the best solution for anxiety. This article describes the experience of a girl who preferred natural and new-age healing over traditional medications. It describes that complimentary medication is safe, but in many cases, there is no evidence for efficacy. The situation became so critical that she had to return to traditional drugs. Additional details click here.


Is Your Partner Suffering From Anxiety? How To Give Him Support

Is Your Partner Suffering From Anxiety? How To Give Him Support

Is your partner suffering from anxiety? Sometimes you don’t know what to do about it and try to figure out how to help her or him without making things worse. There are some guidelines you can follow, such as that the small things matter, asking them how they feel and don’t put pressure or ask why. Check the full list. More details click here.


A Study Reveals That Frequent Nightmares Are Related To High Creativity

A Study Reveals That Frequent Nightmares Are Related To High Creativity    

A study has shown that people that have nightmares are more creative than others. They have more “outside the box” thinking and may have more positive dreams, which reflect on the waking world. Click here for more details.


Benefits Of Transcendental Meditation For The Mind And Body

Benefits Of Transcendental Meditation For The Mind And Body    

Transcendental Meditation (TM) has benefits for the mind and body. It has positive effects on blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. Also helps in controlling stress and increasing memory. Check more details on TM. More Information click here.


Sleep Deprivation Has Effects On How We Handle Our Emotions

Sleep Deprivation Has Effects On How We Handle Our Emotions    

It Increases Our Sense Of Danger And Makes Us Avoid Taking Risks    

Sometimes our daily jobs and responsibilities require working through the night (pulling an “all-nighter”) which results in sleep deprivation. While some might think that this is part of the job requirements, the truth is that it causes serious damage to the body and the brain. Among its side effects are negative emotions, heightened anxiety and being unable to differentiate threatening situations. Researchers found that sleep deprivation affected the amygdala, which increases negatives stimulus, generating an also escalates the fear response. In other words, sleep deprivation forces us to avoid potential losses and also avoid taking risks because it heightens the sense of fear. More info click here.


Identifying And Controlling Panic Attacks

Identifying And Controlling Panic Attacks    

Panic attacks are a situation of irrational fear and helplessness and result in symptoms such as pounding heart and struggle in breathing. To overcome the attack there are some quick tips, such as relaxing, understanding what is happening and talking to yourself. Check the full list. More info click here.


Moderate Anxiety In The Workplace Helps Concentration On The Job, Increasing Performance

Moderate Anxiety In The Workplace Helps Concentration On The Job, Increasing Performance    

However, Excess Anxiety Might Lead To Excessive Exhaustion And Burnout    

Anxiety can have a positive side. Moderate anxiety can help employees focus to concentrate on the tasks and auto-regulate their behavior, driving performance. On the other hand, excess anxiety will distract the employees, and prevent proper performance at work. This can eventually lead to excess exhaustion and burnout. Moderate anxiety at work is similar to sports competitors, which control their anxiety to stay motivates and focus on the task. According to specialists, if the employee has no anxiety and does not care about performance, then he won’t be motivated to do a good job. Also, researchers identified that the jobs with most anxiety are the ones in which the worker must suppress its emotions, always smiling when interacting with customers, or jobs with deadlines or recurrent organizational change. Click here for more information.


Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears

Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears    

Phobias are irrational fear reactions related to animals or insects, open or closed spaces, flying, among others. Scientists have discovered how to isolate these memories and retrain the brain to remove them, via brain scanning to identify the complex neurological patterns, and overriding them by giving the subjects a reward. Click here for more info.


High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian    

It Also Improves Sleep Quality And Helps With Panic Attacks And Excess Stress    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. However, there are also natural treatments that have proven to lower blood pressure. One of them is valerian, which has been used since medieval times to improve sleep quality, calm anxiety and reduce muscle tension. It combats the effects of stress by blocking certain enzymes in the brain, it increases the level of a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lowering the excess stimulation caused by overthinking in the presence of anxiety. It also lowers the blood pressure caused by excess stress and decreases sleep disturbance, panic attacks, and stress and anxiety. Click here for more details.


Feeling With Anxiety Or Depression? Try Music For A Better Mood

Feeling With Anxiety Or Depression? Try Music For A Better Mood    

Music is related to mood. It can make us energetic, happy, sad, or relaxed. It engages the heart, mind, body, and soul. So it is very helpful if a person has a condition of anxiety or depression. Click here for more information.


Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases

Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases    

It Can Increase The Odds Of Premature Death    

Stress and anxiety are responsible for poor health conditions. It can get even worse: the patient has four times the probability of mortality from a heart condition if there is also cardiovascular disease. These patients can also find death in other stressful situations, such as earthquakes, and other natural disasters, or even a sudden loss, divorce or job stress. Click here for more info.


Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways

Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways    

The Nerve Endings In The Nose Connect The Smell Directly With The Hypothalamus    

Many people say that anxiety can be fought by just breathing calmly. This is because inhaling and exhaling have a positive effect. Essential oils can enhance this effect, calming down that constant activity in the mind. Smells and aromas work this way because the nerve endings in the nose are directly connected to the hypothalamus, which produces the hormones in charge of emotional reactions. Among these oils are rosemary, lavender, and marjoram, which relieves stress, provides relaxation and reduces muscles stress. Check all the list of essential oils and its benefits. Additional details click here.


Fertility Treatment Related To Depression And Anxiety Symptoms

Fertility Treatment Related To Depression And Anxiety Symptoms    

Patients going through fertility treatment are often affected by depression or anxiety symptoms. This might be caused by the expectation of conception and is higher among the ones who failed to conceive. However, few obtain formal help. Additional details click here.


Yoga Breathing Is An Alternative To Anxiety Medication

Yoga Breathing Is An Alternative To Anxiety Medication    

Most people who have practiced yoga agree on the fact that they feel more calmed after practicing it and has also reduced their anxiety. This also helps in case an anxious situation arises, in which yoga breathing is an excellent alternative. This is also useful for people who are not receptive to anxiety medication or don’t wish to take it because of its side effects. Click here for more details.


Get Rid Of The Impostor Syndrome, The Feeling Of Self-Doubt

Get Rid Of The Impostor Syndrome, The Feeling Of Self-Doubt    

Impostor syndrome is a condition involving feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, constantly hammering in the sufferer the idea of “you are not good enough”. It is a type of self-sabotage that affects them no matter how successful they are. How to deal with it? More Information click here.


Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety

Dealing With Prolonged Anxiety    

Prolonged anxiety is an irrational fear, and will also put your body under unnecessary stress. There are ways to deal with it. Among them are acknowledging it is real and seek the help of specialists, look for stressors to find how to eliminate them, less caffeine, and go for more sleep and relaxation with techniques such as yoga or meditation. Additional information click here.


Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace

Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace    

Workplace anxiety is not uncommon. This can manifest itself in fear of public speaking, which can be dealt with a course or a book on public speaking. There is also the fear of giving a bad impression by asking questions, and giving and receiving criticism. How to address them? More Information click here.


Too Much Time On the Internet? You Could Have Depression Or Anxiety

Too Much Time On the Internet? You Could Have Depression Or Anxiety    

Recent studies suggest that internet addiction may be a symptom of depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions. This includes people checking social networks, streaming videos and instant messaging. More details click here.


This Bracelet Checks The Heartrate And Stress Levels In Real Time And Relates It With Meditation Exercises

This Bracelet Checks The Heartrate And Stress Levels In Real Time And Relates It With Meditation Exercises    

The bracelet works with a smartphone for breathing and meditation exercises and checks their ability to calm the heart rate and stress levels in real time. It is designed for the highly productive people, in order to keep their minds for wandering. Additional information click here.


Switching Off Your Brain Before Going To Sleep

Switching Off Your Brain Before Going To Sleep    

When stress is related to the job, it is sometimes difficult to turn off the stress when arriving home, or when going to sleep. There are ways to turn off the brain, such as setting up a work boundary, have a ritual for the transition to sleep, avoid night news, among others. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways

Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways    

The Nerve Endings In The Nose Connect The Smell Directly With The Hypothalamus    

Many people say that anxiety can be fought by just breathing calmly. This is because inhaling and exhaling have a positive effect. Essential oils can enhance this effect, calming down that constant activity in the mind. Smells and aromas work this way because the nerve endings in the nose are directly connected to the hypothalamus, which produces the hormones in charge of emotional reactions. Among these oils are rosemary, lavender, and marjoram, which relieves stress, provides relaxation and reduces muscles stress. Check all the list of essential oils and its benefits. Additional details click here.


These Apps Will Help With Anxiety

These Apps Will Help With Anxiety    

There are apps that will help deal with anxiety. One of them connects to a heart rate monitor, in order to have real-time data. Others are oriented to guided meditation and mindfulness. Click here for more details.


Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears

Scientists Retrain The Brain To Treat Phobias And Irrational Fears    

Phobias are irrational fear reactions related to animals or insects, open or closed spaces, flying, among others. Scientists have discovered how to isolate these memories and retrain the brain to remove them, via brain scanning to identify the complex neurological patterns, and overriding them by giving the subjects a reward. Click here for more info.


Job-Generated Stress Risks Are Better Handled By Fit Persons

Job-Generated Stress Risks Are Better Handled By Fit Persons    

A study has shown that if you have a good physical state, you can reduce the health risks related to stress at work. There will be less possibility of cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure and also less risk of depression. More details click here.


Frequent Nightmares Can Be Treated By Image Rehearsal Therapy

Frequent Nightmares Can Be Treated By Image Rehearsal Therapy    

Untreated, They Can Affect The Quality Of Life And Aggravate An Underlying Mental Illness, Such As Depression Or Anxiety.    

Having frequent nightmares is also known as dream anxiety disorder, which occurs in approximately 4% of adults. One of the treatment procedures is called image rehearsal therapy. It is used when nightmares are related to traumatic memories generated by stressful events, as in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The treatment consists in modifying the content of a nightmare by creating a new set of positive images and rehearsing the rewritten dream scenario while awake. There are additional treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and prescription medications. Frequent nightmares can cause clinically significant distress, impairing quality of life. Impairment, and can aggravate an underlying mental illness, such as depression or anxiety. Click here for more details.


Laughter Yoga Will Definitively Improve Your Mood

Laughter Yoga Will Definitively Improve Your Mood    

Yoga will help you relax, but there is also laughter yoga, which will help with anxiety and stress. It fills the body with hormones that make you feel good and creates a personal positive space that can last for hours and even days. More info click here.


If You Believed You Know All On Stress And Anxiety, Read This Info

If You Believed You Know All On Stress And Anxiety, Read This Info    

Even though anxiety affects a great majority of the people, there is also a large number of anxiety sufferers that are not aware of their condition. There are some facts to consider if you have it. For example, women are more predisposed to developing it, it is more common among people under 35, and it generally is related to other mental or neurological conditions. Check the full list. Click here for more details.


Anxiety Can Have Its Hidden Benefits

Anxiety Can Have Its Hidden Benefits    

Even if it might be strange, anxiety has its positive aspect. For example, when it forces you to think of the worst possible outcome for a situation, you are surprised when everything ends Ok. Also, you are surprised when things are easier than expected. Also, when thinking about a bad outcome, considering alternate plans will give your peace of mind, and a solution, if the bad outcome really occurs. More Information click here.


Is You Kid Stressed Out? These Strategies Will Help

Is You Kid Stressed Out? These Strategies Will Help    

The Idea Is Adapting To The Stressors, Rather Than Trying To Change Them    

A person can be calmed and has learned to control his stress, but his kid may be stressed out. In these cases, there are strategies that might work with the child. They are based on adapting to the stressors rather than trying to change them. Among them are making time for the child and listen to their stresses and challenges, remember the rule of trying to change the things that can be changed, and accept those that cannot change, offer ideas about how would you had faced that situation in the past, among others. Learn all the strategies. More Information click here.


Learning To Differentiate If You Are Nervous Or You Have Chronic Anxiety

Learning To Differentiate If You Are Nervous Or You Have Chronic Anxiety    

Nervousness Can Be Related To A Situation, While Anxiety Has Different Symptoms    

In many cases, nervousness is confused with anxiety, or worse, with chronic anxiety. Nervousness is more situational and can have physical effects, such as the feeling of butterflies on the stomach. For example, nervousness about a job interview, a first date, or an exam. Once the situation passes, the nervousness and its physical effects go away. On the other hand, chronic anxiety is a mental condition, which includes at least one three of the following symptoms: lack of concentration, irritability fatigue, poor sleeping, and muscle tension. Also, while nervousness may cause trembling, anxiety also causes sweating and a faster heart rate. Anxiety also causes extreme tiredness and poor sleeping. Check all the differences between nervousness and chronic anxiety. Additional information click here.


Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, And Acid Reflux    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches, hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. More Information click here.


Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace

Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace    

Workplace anxiety is not uncommon. This can manifest itself in fear of public speaking, which can be dealt with a course or a book on public speaking. There is also the fear of giving a bad impression by asking questions, and giving and receiving criticism. How to address them? More Information click here.


Social Anxiety Is Different From Introversion Or Extreme Shyness

Social Anxiety Is Different From Introversion Or Extreme Shyness    

One Is Oriented To Inner Ideas And Imagination, While The Other Is Concerned About Social Acceptance    

Social anxiety is different from introversion or shyness. Also, social anxiety is not defined as extreme shyness. Introvert people derive their energy into an inner world or ideas and imagination. On the other side, people with social anxiety are less interested in an inner world of ideas, and more interested about social situations, especially the situations in which they have to interact with other people, and fear the possibility of being evaluated negatively, socially rejected, and badly judged. Therefore, people with social anxiety are afraid of what opinion other people have about them because they fear that other people will have a bad opinion. They are concerned about social acceptance. Other difference is that introversion is a character trait while social anxiety is a development that can be worked out and reversed. Learn more about social anxiety and introversion, and how to deal with them. Click here for more info.


Identifying The Symptoms Of Anxiety

Identifying The Symptoms Of Anxiety    

One Of The Main Signs Is Excess Worrying And Losing Control Over It    

Everybody worries about something. Our jobs, families, financials, and health, to name some. It is normal to worry – in fact, it is a defense mechanism and allows us to stay ahead of things. The problem comes with excessive worrying and losing control over it, which turn into anxiety. This also happens when worrying about multiple things, including minor matters. Over time, this will affect the body and generate excessive stress, impairing work or family life. More details click here.


Learning To Differentiate If You Are Nervous Or You Have Chronic Anxiety

Learning To Differentiate If You Are Nervous Or You Have Chronic Anxiety    

Nervousness Can Be Related To A Situation, While Anxiety Has Different Symptoms    

In many cases, nervousness is confused with anxiety, or worse, with chronic anxiety. Nervousness is more situational and can have physical effects, such as the feeling of butterflies on the stomach. For example, nervousness about a job interview, a first date, or an exam. Once the situation passes, the nervousness and its physical effects go away. On the other hand, chronic anxiety is a mental condition, which includes at least one three of the following symptoms: lack of concentration, irritability fatigue, poor sleeping, and muscle tension. Also, while nervousness may cause trembling, anxiety also causes sweating and a faster heart rate. Anxiety also causes extreme tiredness and poor sleeping. Check all the differences between nervousness and chronic anxiety. Additional information click here.


Mental Math Training For A Better Emotional Health

Mental Math Training For A Better Emotional Health    

Study: brain training strategies, like doing mental math, can help prevent anxiety and depression. According to it, the ability to regulate the motions like fear or danger is related to the ability of the brain to perform numerical calculations in real time. More details click here.


New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression

New Brain Chemical Could Control Anxiety And Depression    

Researchers have found a protein which inhibits neurons forming in the hippocampus, an area in the brain related to memories and also part of the limbic system, which controls the emotional responses. It is considered that the neurons in this area are related to anxiety. Reducing the production of this protein will help to lower anxiety and depression. Additional information click here.


Feeling Anxious? This Advice Will Help You Control It

Feeling Anxious? This Advice Will Help You Control It    

If you suffer from anxiety, chances are that it interferes with your life.  There are ways to handle it, such as understand what anxiety is really – fear to worst possible scenarios that have not happened. It also gets confused with stress. Stress is when you are overwhelmed with work – anxiety is when you start thinking that you won’t make the deadlines. Check all the advice. Additional information click here.


How You Breathe Is Connected To Your Stress Level

How You Breathe Is Connected To Your Stress Level    

The next time you feel stressed, check how you are breathing. If the breathing is shallow, it is reaching only the upper lungs, resulting in shorter breaths and less volume. This means less oxygen to the brain and less effective thinking. Therefore, if the breathing is fuller, it will also inflate the lower chest, which means more oxygen. Click here for more info.


Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes

Study: Anxiety Related To High Risk Of Diabetes    

A study has found a relationship between anxiety and stress, and diabetes. Anxiety promotes the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins that contain a substance that is associated with a higher risk of diabetes and high blood glucose. More Information click here.


Feeling Tired All The Time? These Might Be The Causes

Feeling Tired All The Time? These Might Be The Causes    

Some people feel constantly tired. One of the causes is not having enough protein to compensate for muscle loss. Other can be thyroid problems, in which the gland is not producing enough hormone. Sleep apnea is another reason, causing poor sleep and preventing the body to get enough rest. Depression and anxiety can also make you feel depleted and unmotivated. Check all the causes. Additional details click here.


Manage Your Anxiety With These Suggestions Supported By Psychiatrists

Manage Your Anxiety With These Suggestions Supported By Psychiatrists    

There are many tips and treatments for anxiety. In this case, psychiatrists suggest putting the anxiety-generating thoughts on a schedule, postponing them until a certain hour to think about them. Also, develop a catastrophe scale, determining the worst possible things that could happen, and assign a scale. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Side Effects Of Mediation Can Be Worse Than It Benefits

Side Effects Of Mediation Can Be Worse Than It Benefits    

Medications are supposed to relieve us from our health conditions. Nevertheless, some common medications have side effects, depleting us from vitamins and nutrients: antidepressants deplete vitamins B6, B12 and folate, vitamin D, sodium. Similar cases go for acid reflux drugs, diuretics, antibiotics, among others. Depletion of vitamins B6 and B12 will cause fatigue, weakness, depression, among others. Check the full list of medications, its side effects and the consequences of the lack of vitamins and nutrients. Additional information click here.


Anxiety Is Very Different From Nervousness

Anxiety Is Very Different From Nervousness    

There is a misunderstanding about anxiety. Many people think it is similar to nervousness, however, while nervousness leaves when the stressor withdraws, anxiety keeps ongoing. Also, anxiety has strong physical symptoms, such as a headache, dizziness, and nausea. In anxiety, the body reacts to a state of ”fight or flight”, while nervousness does not provoke this response.  Learn all the differences between nervousness and anxiety. Additional info click here.


Anxiety And Depression Can Be Treated By Changing Certain Habits

Anxiety And Depression Can Be Treated By Changing Certain Habits    

Anxiety and depression are both considered as mental illness related to brain chemistry. However, an alternate approach suggests treating them as habits, which are fed with insecurity, fear, doubt, and negativity. According to this point of view, changing these thoughts could also correct the imbalance in brain chemistry. More info click here.


Getting Rid Of Procrastination And Laziness

Getting Rid Of Procrastination And Laziness    

Procrastination is usually considered as the bad habit of delaying things to be done and is related to lazy or disorganized people. However it is something present in all of us, and it is the resistance to break with a bad habit and replace it with a good habit. Actually, there are several kinds of procrastinators. How does this work and how can it be overcome? Click here for more details.


Tips For Relaxing On A Stressful Flight

Tips For Relaxing On A Stressful Flight    

Some people have fear of flying and are scared of getting into a plane. Other people just want to have a calm flight but are stressed by certain aspects of it such as sitting on the middle row, having an uncomfortable seatmate or a crying baby, or even a TV monitor that is not working. How to deal with it? Additional information click here.


How To Deal With Nail Biting

How To Deal With Nail Biting    

Nail biting happens when there is a loss of control over a difficult task. It is considered an oral compulsive habit and also an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It may be caused by imitating the behavior of other family members. Ho to treat it? Click here for more info.


Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood

Certain People Can Be More Productive When Being On A Bad Mood    

They Are Called High-Reactive People And Find Negative Emotions Less Distracting    

There are certain people who have better job performance when being in a bad mood. Even if this sounds strange, this mood fuels the thinking skills required to accomplish tasks. According to a study, there is a state called emotional reactivity, which is referred to the sensitivity, intensity, and duration of the emotional responses associated with moods. Persons with high emotional reactivity have rapid, intense, and enduring emotional responses. In these people, a bad mood is related to a better performance on executive function tasks, which involves the ability to focus attention, manage time and prioritize tasks. High-reactive people are more used to experience negative emotions and find them less distracting. On the other hand, low-reactive people are more productive in a good mood. This does not mean that a person must be grouchy or irritable to be productive, but that they can be more productive in a negative environment. Click here for more information.


Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression

Digestive Problems Are Linked To Anxiety And Depression    

Stress And Depression Can Be The Cause Of A Poor Digestion Or Bloating    

Studies have shown that one of the causes of stress is bad digestion. This is because there is a strong relationship between the brain and the digestive system. For example, just thinking about a delicious meal can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice before the food arrives. Also, excess stress or depression can also affect the digestion, resulting in bloating, abdominal pain or loose stools. The connection goes both ways, so irritable bowel syndrome and poor digestion can lead to anxiety or depression. Click here for more information.


Understanding Generalized Anxiety

Understanding Generalized Anxiety    

Anxiety helps us understand the importance of an event, so we assign it a high priority. But generalized anxiety is feeling anxious about everything, all the time. You worry about everything and are unable to control it. What to do about it? Click here for more info.


Unable To Talk? You May Suffer From Selective Mutism

Unable To Talk? You May Suffer From Selective Mutism    

Selective mutism is a disorder that restricts speaking to select individuals or in select settings, continuing for more than one month. It is not a disability, but anxiety surrounded by a social context. It is often confused by general shyness. More Information click here.


Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace

Overcoming Anxiety In The Workplace    

Workplace anxiety is not uncommon. This can manifest itself in fear of public speaking, which can be dealt with a course or a book on public speaking. There is also the fear of giving a bad impression by asking questions, and giving and receiving criticism. How to address them? More Information click here.


Modern Devices Have Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Modern Devices Have Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome    

Symptoms Include Reduced Lung Capacity, Headache, Neck And Back Pain, Heart Disease, And Depression    

Modern life includes interaction with several devices, that may lead to a poor posture and neck and back pain. Bad posture has also been linked with reduced lung capacity, as well as an increase in depression, heart disease, headaches, and neurological disorders One early example is holding the office phone between the shoulder and the ear to leave both hands free, which resulted in neck pain. The same is happening with handheld devices and audio devices, which cause the head to slouch forward, resulting in “tech neck”. In this case, the stress on the neck increases with the angle on the head, which may grow from 10 to 12 pounds in a neutral posture, the human head typically weighs 10-12 pounds, but when it is bent forward at 15 degrees and 60 degree angles, the weight on the neck increases to 30 and 60 pounds, respectively. This is similar to carrying an 8-year-old child in the neck. Also, contact typing and mouse movement lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by the wrists being held in uncomfortable static positions for prolonged periods of time with contact strain placed on the forearm nerves, which become irritated as a result. Another condition is called computer vision syndrome (CVS), which includes optical pain, eyestrain, dryness, blurry vision, headaches as well as neck and shoulder pain. It is caused by poor lighting, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, glare on a digital screen, and uncorrected vision problems. There are tips and exercises for dealing with all these issues. Additional information click here.


Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways

Essential Oils Can Fight Anxiety In Several Ways    

The Nerve Endings In The Nose Connect The Smell Directly With The Hypothalamus    

Many people say that anxiety can be fought by just breathing calmly. This is because inhaling and exhaling have a positive effect. Essential oils can enhance this effect, calming down that constant activity in the mind. Smells and aromas work this way because the nerve endings in the nose are directly connected to the hypothalamus, which produces the hormones in charge of emotional reactions. Among these oils are rosemary, lavender, and marjoram, which relieves stress, provides relaxation and reduces muscles stress. Check all the list of essential oils and its benefits. Additional details click here.


Follow This Advice To Get Rid Of Social Anxiety

Follow This Advice To Get Rid Of Social Anxiety    

Controlling The Inner Critic And Avoiding Some Social Safety Behaviors    

Social anxiety is not just too much shyness. People with social anxiety don’t like to be around other people and are afraid of the judgment, rejection, and mockery they will get if they commit a mistake. It is like extreme self-consciousness. However, there are ways to overcome this. One of them is challenging the inner critic, and evaluating what would happen if you participate in a conversation or express an opinion. Other is getting rid of the safety behaviors that get you off the radar, such as looking at the phone, getting out of the room or wearing sunglasses all the time. Check all the ways to fight social anxiety. Additional information click here.


Concerned About Overworking And Burning Out? Check These Tips

Concerned About Overworking And Burning Out? Check These Tips    

Modern life has forced workers to 24-hour availability with digital devices, which results in anxiety and stress. Too much time in this situation will result in burnout. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent it. One way is to turn the phone off for one hour during the day and work with no interruptions. Disconnecting at nights and meditation also works. Click here for more information.


Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids

Anxiety In Parents Must Not Affect Their Kids    

Sometimes parents are in an anxious situation. Unfortunately, there are cases in which this anxiety is reflected in their kids. There are ways to avoid this. One of them is not projecting the parents’ experiences of the kids. Also, not describing situations as a source of anxiety or scary, unless the child does. Check all the ways to avoid anxiety on kids. Click here for more details.


Does Your Date Suffer From Anxiety? Check This Advice

Does Your Date Suffer From Anxiety? Check This Advice    

There is anxiety caused by dating. And there is also dating someone who already has anxiety. First of all, learn about what triggers the other person’s anxiety, and understand when your partner just needs personal space. Also, a way to support them is trying different rituals that will relax them, such as taking a walk or going to a cafeteria. Additional details click here.


Study: Dry Eye Disease Is Related To Depression

Study: Dry Eye Disease Is Related To Depression    

Dry eye disease – DED – is related to depression, according to a study. It is a condition in which the eye does not secrete enough tears, resulting in poor eye surface lubrication. People with DED had three times the risk of being depressed, and it can be explained by the way DED affects the quality of life, such as poor sleeping or sight problems. More details click here.


High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety

High-Functioning Anxiety Patients Are Usually Successful But Dealing With Anxiety    

They Hide The Side Effects Of Anxiety So No One Notices Them    

Some people are perfectionists, oriented to details and obsessive, and they are proud of it or joke about it. They have what is called high-functioning anxiety, which means that the person is very successful, but is suffering internally because of the side effects of anxiety, but they hide it very well, so nobody notices. They are high achievers and oriented to details, but re always thinking the “What if?”, always thinking about anxieties and worries. They have habits such as doing lists, procrastinating, getting early for an appointment, among others. Check all the habits. Additional information click here.